
Heat. Motionless heat. Nothing moving except the cars on Lake Shore Drive carrying their air conditioned passengers north and south. And the few bikers and walkers who are either doing their part to keep the earth green regardless of the warming or are just too compulsive to forgo a day of excercise when the temps soar into the 90s. Humidity wraps around my neck like a wool scarf.

A young couple embraces on a bench with their limbs intertwined. Surely they are newly in love to allow their sweaty bodies to embrace beneath the relentless sun.

It is too hot to write.


Frankie said...

Loved this one - I could feel the heat reading it - great metaphor of scarf and heat. I could feel the heat reading it.

Anonymous said...

obviously it's not to hot to type! lol! Sorry, but I can't feel the heat, I'm actually looking for a blanket, did you turn it back down after you wrote the article?