Mid-Winter Car Wash Thaw

This has been one of those winters when I didn’t expect a mid-winter thaw to ever appear. And now that it’s here I keep thinking maybe this is an early spring despite the fact that the snow banks remain 2 feet high and encrusted with dirt intent on insulating them from ever melting.

Apparently I had ample company with this breath of spring as I waited behind a dozen cars at the car wash. Mid-way through the car wash with soap pouring down my windshield and my mind on spring, the car wash actually stopped—I don’t mean slowed down or even paused. I had time enough to say out loud (all be it to myself) “Oh my God, I’m stopped” and then to consider and act upon the most prudent course of action. Fortunately I determined that doing nothing would be ideal and at the moment of decision the conveyor restarted and transported me back to the smell of spring.

Coming out on the other side, the sun continued to shine. I even rolled down my window to let in the balmy 60 degree air. This was a moment to hold onto—especially as it was only early February and in the northeast that is a long ways before the equinox tips the balance in favor of sun light and heat over the darkness of night. I still have weeks to wait until the snowdrops poke through my garden soil.

So today I am content to smell spring, go out without a winter jacket and maybe chip away at the ice pack on my front steps without wearing gloves!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you take me? Like actually stopped? It must have been quiet. I mean really quiet. cool.