Managing Sibling Rivalry with Business Principals

Production: Clearly that is what created the sibling rivalry in the first place.

Human Resources: “If you have time to distract your brother while he’s doing homework then you have time to take the trash out.”

Engineering: Engineering can be helpful when the kinder, gentler precepts of human resources fail. Think building a wall between the children in the back seat of the car.

Business Development: “Jennifer is having a friend over after school. Would you like to invite Maddie over?”

Marketing: Instead of, “The brownies will be out of the oven when your sister gets home” try “I just put brownies in the oven. They should be ready for you to eat one in about 20 minutes.”

Sales: “You’ll be glad you have a sibling to share the burden of your parents when we age.”

1 comment :

joelm said...

written like a true MBA parent.