Social Media: Conveyor Belt versus Assembly Station

Sometimes I’m in the mood for the conveyor belt approach of Twitter. I like to see comments on the day’s news, feelings and non-news passing by in a continuous stream. Unlike a factory conveyor belt, I am hardly seeing the same information in a repetitive fashion. This is more like a pizza oven conveyor—sometimes pepperoni going past, sometimes plain cheese, sometimes the works. Like a pizza conveyor just before the Super Bowl, there’s a constant, dense stream of comments which I find endlessly entertaining.

Then at other times, I need something along the lines of a factory assembly station where everyone comes together in the same place to add a piece of the final product. That’s more or less how I view Facebook. Sure there’s a conveyor belt of statuses flowing by, but when I make a status comment I can watch the assembly of an entire conversation in one place—the replies to comments, the extension of comments, the disagreements, all come together in one location.

It’s just social media mimicking real life.

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